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“Dairy and Pork and Beef, Oh My!” is now open for Registration.

**UPDATE (5/15): Current guidelines from the governor limit gatherings of 10 or more people and recommend social distancing. Because of this, we will be transitioning workshop to a virtual platform. Topics will remain the same and credit is available!

“Dairy and Pork and Beef, Oh My!” a teacher professional development is being offered by Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation in partnership with Linn, Buchanan and Delaware County Farm Bureau.

The two-day workshop is being offered June 15 and 16, 2020 at Heartland Acres in Independence, Iowa. The workshop will be available for teacher recertification credit and graduate level credit.

This fast-paced professional development will give teachers, extension personnel, and others who educate youth the skills they need to implement many of the Iowa Core social studies and science standards. Participants will take home activities and lesson ideas that can be immediately implemented into their classroom.

The workshop will be hands on and interactive with one day of site visits and tours and one day of practical classroom application. Participants will observe veterinary medicine, a modern dairy, a vegetable farm and advances in agricultural innovations.

To find out more about the workshop visit The workshops will proceed as planned provided we can ensure the health and safety of our staff and workshop participants. We are monitoring the COVID-19 related news and events closely. If we can not host in-person, we will pivot to online. Participants can still receive license renewal or graduate level credit by completing the course requirements.

Visit to learn more!

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