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Growing STEM on Iowa Farms

Growing STEM on Iowa Farms, an in-person workshop, is being offered by Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation in partnership with Linn, Buchanan and Delaware County Farm Bureau.

The two-day workshop is being offered July 14 and 15, 2021 at Heartland Acres in Independence, Iowa. The workshop will be available for teacher recertification credit and graduate level credit.

This fast-paced professional development will give teachers, extension personnel, and others who educate youth the skills they need to implement many of the Iowa Core social studies and science standards. Participants will take home activities and lesson ideas that can be immediately implemented into their classroom.

During the first day of the onsite workshop participants will venture out of the classroom to learn about the agriculture industry first-hand. They will visit a dairy farm, peony farm, and a corn and soybean farm while learning how agricultural products are produced, marketed, and transported. They will also visit a historic feed mill to learn how technology in agriculture has changed over time. The second day of the course will focus on implementing lessons learned, connecting learning to science and social studies, and making it relevant to student learners. Participants will learn about animal science, drones, history, STEM in agriculture, and more.

To find out more about the workshop visit or email Morgan Hibbs at


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